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Nectar address

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Dee Sa | 10:17 Wed 07th Nov 2012 | ChatterBank
6 Answers
please could some kind soul find me the address to send a letter to Nectar re points etc, I really dont want to try by e mail but I cant find their address.
Thanks Dee


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If you have a nectar card, just phone the numer on the back and follow the instructions. i.e. press 1 for account details. Then if you need the address they will give it to you.
Question Author
thanks but I have lost the card !
Dee Sa The numer you want is the nectar helpline and it is 0844 811 0 811
Dee Sa I forgot to mention when you dial this number and it gives options it mentions if your card is lost or stolen to press a button and a button for acount details etc. I am sure you can be helped by phoning this number. :)
Question Author
thanks to all rang the number and got what I wanted via ndia call centre and the woman I spoke to had the weirdest accent of what she must have thought was "posh english" very hard to understand.
By the way its a freepost address in Dartford.
Dee Sa what do you mean thanks to all I am the only one that replied to your post and three times at that.!!

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Nectar address

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