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Aldi lover.

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Jeza | 00:13 Wed 07th Nov 2012 | ChatterBank
32 Answers
I go to Aldi every week and by and large I am happy with the shop, but of late they have a lot of new lines so everything is crammed up. IMO to sell all these new lines they need a bigger shop ( In my area ) The shop is much busier and the aisles are full of pallets that have been abandoned for the staff to do other things/jobs. Any other Aldi shoppers care to comment.


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When my local Aldi opened the car park was only occupied by 20-year-old VWs with Polish number plates. Now it is full of brand new 5-series BMWs and E-Class Mercs. Aldi have always had good prices, now they have top quality too. Why pay more to buy from a shelf instead of a pallet?
You don't live in Colchester by any chance do you Jeza?
Our shop is like that nearly every time we go in it.
The biggest problem we have is that they don't stock a lot of basics that other stores do like Oxo cubes and certain other things like that so we still have to go further afield to get them.
On the whole though, good value for money.
i was in Aldi yesterday place resmbled a jumble sale, but like it or not its cheaper than the bigger supermarkets and their xmas brochure is out and I shall be bagging a turkey and a goose as soon as they reach the freezers, last year I left it too late.
Aldi is like this at the best of times.
I became a keen aldi shopper when I bought my first house and was shocked how much per month was going on shopping at M&S, Tesco etc.....
I think you have to accept the layout given the no frills concept that is Aldi, yes its a bit cluttered but I am saving a lot by using Aldi so I just get on with it.
I love that comment about the car park being full of BMW's and Merc's that is SO true. It seems that Aldi has converted many many people (especially those who drive big expensive cars what with tax and fuel prices - they have no choice!!)
one of my favourites in aldis is jar of feta cheese and herbs,yummy and only half the price
dotty thanks i should not be on ab late at night lol
In the area where we live all the villages have a Co-op and very good liittle stores they are.
Do they do rum babas? Will they deliver without having to buy £50's worth?
Owd - don't you find the co-op to be really expensive? I was in one on Monday and the person in front of me was paying over £4 for a block of cheddar that you can get for £2 in Asda (if you buy 2 for £4)?
I'm not a price checker,always being bollocked, at the moment Mrs Owd is making banana tea bread cake ???
I shop on line at Tesco most of the time but when I do go out to a Supermarket I use Waitrose, Their aisles are nice & wide for my buggy.
Aldi is a nightmare can't get round the aisles, either too cluttered or just not wide enough. Health & Safrty have got rules for this in SMs someone should tell Aldi.

I love Aldi, We are doing more of a shop at aldi and less at asda (our other big supermarket near us)
Why would anyone want to spend more for the same product? for example aldi was selling Pataks curry paste this week for 99p exactly the same product in adsa was £2!

i used to hate the check out system but now i think its definately the way to go!
the amount of time I have spent standing in a queue waiting for someone to pack there groceries away in some specific order! aldi is a much better system, shove it through then you can pack it how you want to in your own time not mine!

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