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if you were to die, what would be the last message you tell your loved ones?

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01mpatel | 23:19 Thu 08th Nov 2012 | Body & Soul
36 Answers
(it can be as short or long as you want) Thank You


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I was given that question on a pre-retirement course and similar answers were given as above.The lecturer said why wait till you're dieing,tell them all now!!!!
... you're.... standing... on my oxygen tube!"
What was that all about ? (Alfie !) PS - Alfie is my imaginary friend !
There's to be no squabbling over my money. I have spent it all.
At last some peace and quiet. Now bugger off and clear the garden of the dog's turds and empty the cat's dirtbox yourself instead of expecting muggins here to do it.
don't forget what I told you, "always stand on a wet surface when changing a light bulb".
Lend us a few quid.
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always look on the bright side of life dedum dedum dedum ^^^^
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I shall know I'm really dying if my youngest daughter is at my bedside trying to prise my engagement ring off my finger.
In that case, I shall probably say "put a bit of Fairy liquid on it - it'll come off easier".
See you in three days
See you all soon enough
Well, all of you gathered around, it appears that, as someone once said I am about to leave this mortal coil. Therefore, I shall inform you that the wall-safe is empty, and the great riches are now ensconced in the RBC bank in Grand Cayman. The account number is...arrgh.
Don't forget to ring HR and tell them i'm not coming in
thank fcuk for that!
and good luck to the rest of ya!

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if you were to die, what would be the last message you tell your loved ones?

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