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this dorries woman (Previously unheard of by this poster)

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dotty. | 15:02 Fri 09th Nov 2012 | ChatterBank
15 Answers
has hired her 20 year old daughter to run her twitter feed whilst she is away in the jungle. if said dorries is on ab, can i have a similar paid job running her ab account please ed?


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If you get no other offers you can do mine when I'm on hols next year dotty. My AB cred could do with an upgrade!
she's the one who criticised Cameron and Osborne for being posh boys out of touch with reality, did you miss her?
(maybe she just meant out of touch wih reality TV)
Can't wait to see how they edit her. Bet they cut out all political references of any significance.
Now that would be funny, Zacs.
The thing I find funny is that, as they have no contact with the outside world, she has no idea of the furore she has caused.
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well i did say on a previous thread that she has no idea really of the demographics of the show's audience base. lol
Oh, my God! Ann Widdecombe without the Sex Appeal!
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she's in bother too because she's emoployed her other two daughters as aids or sectraries on 35K a year, I can remember back in the 70s they kept on about nepotism.
Are these hols in the jungle paid or unpayed ?.
lol Plautus, I was thinking Edwina Currie without the charm............

Hasn't she been suspended?
Thats what I thought ummmm suspended, thats why I ask.
According to this..

"In return for their appearance on I'm a Celebrity...Get Me Out of Here!, the celebrities are asked to nominate a charity to which the producers, LWT (weekend shows) and Granada Television (weekday shows), make donations. The celebrities themselves are also paid a fee to compensate them for possible loss of earnings while they are in the jungle."

Looks like she'll be getting it both ways - her MP's expenses and "charity payment"... makes you sick.
Hey theres nothing wrong with Ann professional virgin Widdecombe imo.

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this dorries woman (Previously unheard of by this poster)

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