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albaqwerty | 14:45 Sat 10th Nov 2012 | ChatterBank
4 Answers
as you are around,
how's things with your brother? I haven't heard anything on the news, other than a couple of days ago, the snow was starting :-(


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Hi alba.....

Yes-they had snow...*about* 8-10inches of the stuff. Not very useful at this time. He also said that the proverbial poo is hitting the fan now as there are still folk with no power.
He also said temps are predicted to be in the 60's it will be bye bye snow-and hello more flooding (possibly).

Thanks so much for asking x
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Still no power?! beggars belief.

8-10 inches of snow has got to go somewhere when it melts. :-(

I hope the authorities get their finger out quicker to help everyone.

Think of him and you xx
I hope it serves as a wakeup call-the infrastructure just is not suitable to withstand such storms. But-did they learn anything from Katrina?
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Probably not, politicians of whichever nationality seem to spout the same old, same old 'we've learnt from this and measures are in place' etc etc

They were given plenty of warning though surely?

I feel for the people on the receiving end of Mother Nature.


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