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If money was no hindrance

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albaqwerty | 16:51 Sun 11th Nov 2012 | ChatterBank
112 Answers
would you spend it on visiting other AB'ers?

Be very afraid, I would :-)


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no I like to invite them into my home and if they p*** me off I can shut the lid and they go away
16:53 Sun 11th Nov 2012
Pernod and babycham = all night looking down the loo
If money was no hindrance I wouldn't be here ;-)

OP, I'd invite all AB'ers to a Hotel (accommodation) Expenses all paid for and let them them mingle in a Private room/main hall with the only proviso that they didn't reveal which ABer they were/are.
Errr no.

If money would suddenly become no object, I wouldn't have time for AB. I'd be on a world cruise for a start.

Besides, not only that, I'd want a better class of friends, wouldn't want to associate with you lot ;-)
could anyone one spot B00?
You'l need a house and pet sitter B00.........
Yeah, she's on top of you ;-p
snags. blimey!
I wish
snags, are you the scary Monica, son met her on Friday and thought she was amazing
Are you posh boo?
'expensive' isn't the same as posh is it...
snags, those eyeballs frighten me :-(

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