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Sshh but i've kinda missed..........

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MASS1961 | 00:34 Tue 13th Nov 2012 | ChatterBank
18 Answers
Desktop tonight....

I've missed my daily dose, I fed up!


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be afraid, be very afraid, she may turn up at any time
It takes all sorts to make the world go round, MASS1961!
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I feel a certain compulsion to tune in to her threads, I know it's wrong but...?
I know the feeling , sometimes you just can't help yourself
Get a grip you lot!
I was going to bed but now want to see who will answer Connemmara.
fed up - fed up - fed up - haven't had a poo since thursday - and the ironing has toppled over and killed the cat ...
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Not sure Connemmara has been keeping up over the last few months, no offence intended. This is a soap opera.
No the cat .... or do I mean the dog? got rolled up in the carpet last night .......
I hope she's ok, after the trauma of the quick visit of the workmen this morning. I asked but no reply as usual .............
I would miss fact I sympathised with her plight when I was stuck in my kitchen tonight. Her posts brighten my day.
Mine too gness!
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Totally agree gness.

I'm off to bed!!

Good Morning/Goodnight Desktop, until tomorrow night...
do hope they haven't all been chucked off the balcony into dog poo.
The brilliant thing about Desktop is she doesn't mind everyone taking the p*ss. Or maybe she doesn't realise. Love her to bits, though.
I still thinks Desktop plays with us. :-)
I find desktop quite amusing, she is never nasty and she lets it all go over her head. I would love to be a fly on her wall! lol

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Sshh but i've kinda missed..........

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