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Lazy fit

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rabet | 19:49 Fri 16th Nov 2012 | ChatterBank
26 Answers
I love cooking and today I bought a large whole plaice; about half an hour ago I cleaned it and filleted it, and was about to coat it in egg white, flour and breadcrumbs. Suddenly a thought came, No, I can't be bothered. This was weird because usually I despise laziness in myself (and other people). Anyway, I've put it in the freezer and Mrs R volunteered to go out to buy a takeaway, which has not happened for years. Should I be worried about this? Has it ever happened to you?


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living dangerously tone
Yes, I think I am !
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Fish and chips from the takeaway were very nice, but I'm still feeling guilty. That's the problem with having been indoctrinated with a work ethic. You can skive but you can't enjoy it!
Takes ages not to feel guilty Rabet. Some people a a bit sniffy about my not cooking much yet they will buy ready made curtains and have a gardener. I have to make all my curtains and do my own gardening but those are things I enjoy.
When I die I won't be wishing I'd spent more of my life roasting chickens and mashing spuds. :-)
OH loves fish, I don't eat any fish or seafood so he now selects fish in Sainsburys, has it put in foil bag with herb butter and cooks in the oven. No smell no mess simples
i have been known to do a cooked breakfast occassionally.

i put bread in the toaster and then it's up to whoever wants some. they have to find butter and topping as they want. that's in the cupboard, knives in the drawer and plates on the shelf. oh and i have also been known to put the kettle on. not often but sometimes.

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