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Morse and Lewis

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sandyRoe | 09:19 Mon 19th Nov 2012 | ChatterBank
12 Answers
Both these television shows portray Oxford as a city of rook-racked, river-rounded, fine old buildings, peopled by murderous academics. Are there no chavs there to commit ordinary crime?


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chavs don't commit clever crime, each episode would last 10 minutes!
There are chavvy characters in the books.
Ah Sandy...they cover small time crime with The Bill.
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True enough, Dotty. You somehow can't imaging Morse dealing with a single parent benefit cheat from a sink council estate.
He does, in the books. I can't remember which books exactly as I've read them all. 'Last Bus To Woodstock' is one I think. I would need to check.
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Tilly, next time I'm in the library I'll put in a request for it.
Let me check first Sandy.
Have you not read any of them?
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No, not a one.
Oh, you're in for a treat!
You'll enjoy them sandy
'Last Bus to Woodstock' is the first one, sandy, There are thirteen altogether ending with 'The Remorseful Day'
Actually, there is some fairly strong suspicion that a paedophile ring has been based in or near Oxford.
But, these days, where ISn't there a suspected paedophile ring ?

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Morse and Lewis

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