Bored Lumberjack...
After a long period of unemployment, a lumberjack finally succeeds in finding work. After six months of being out in the forest and being totally bored to death during his off-hours, he asks one of his co'workers: "Dya know, I've been out here in the middle of nowhere for six months now and I'm dying for some excitement. Any women around here?"
His friend answers "Sorry, Mate, no women around here, but if it's excitement you really want, tell ya what...There's an old cabin down by the riverbank and an old bloke nameed Charlie lives there. If you don't mind spending a little money, Charlie will show you the time of your life."
"No way!! I don't go in for that kinda stuff!!! What the hell d'you think I am, anyway?!" "Okay, but you're gonna be out here for a long time..." "I don't care. I'm not doing anything like that, so forget it."
And so....
Six months after this conversation took place, the bloke goes back to his friend and sez... "I can't hack this anymore. I'm going out of my mind from boredom. Six months ago, you told me about old Charlie down by the riverbank. How much will it cost to spend one night with the guy?"
His friend answers "Five hundred quid!." "Five hundred QUID?! Why does it cost so much?!" "Well, there's two hundred for Charlie and £100 apiece for each of the 3 guys who have to hold Charlie down.
You see, old Charlie don't go for that kinda stuff either."