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Word challenge of the day

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mrs_overall | 13:25 Mon 19th Nov 2012 | ChatterBank
37 Answers
When talking to someone today, try and use the words "moped" and "anchovy" in the same sentence.
Let me know how you get on. A bag of mackerel is the prize for the best one.


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To my electrician......How's your mushroom allergy because my friend who rides a moped has a mushroom and anchovy allergy? Is yours just mushrooms? He was surprised at my sudden interest.
18:12 Mon 19th Nov 2012
Aww MrsO. I was trying to offload some of your mackerel onto Ed.
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lol @ rsvp
I used to know someone called Ann Chovey. And irony of ironies ... one day she was riding her moped when she skidded on - yes, you guessed it - black ice.
The missus is on her menstrual cycle and she has just left the house to get a anchovy based pizza.....................Anyone else think, menstrual cycle a stupid Fluffing name for a moped?
"You need a new mop Ed" I told the kitchen cleaner as he was clearing up some small fish.
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Yay, just got the postie!
It was a bit pathetic, but I asked him if he had seen the idiot on the moped riding on the pavement around our way...the rider having a face like an anchovy.
Well that deserves best answer, MrsO. x
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Noooooooo gness, that would not be sporting. The competition has hours left to run yet.....and the mackerel will keep
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Right , I am going out now, I will check back in later xxx
i thought you meant in real life

i have just told my boss that his "how to do" instructions made as much sense as an anchovy riding a moped
Did you pinch that from Blackadder , fluff?
not that i'm aware off... were mopeds invented in blackadders day?
To my electrician......How's your mushroom allergy because my friend who rides a moped has a mushroom and anchovy allergy? Is yours just mushrooms? He was surprised at my sudden interest.
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It was a close one but the winner is.....gness. Well done xx
Hey! thanks MrsO. Only thing is the electrician didn't phone back with his quote. :-(
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I wonder why? rofl
"Is that an anchovy in your pocket, or are you just not very pleased to see me ...?"

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