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She might be crazy 99% of the time but she's not just a pretty face for the other 1% it seems

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Captaincrunch | 06:22 Wed 14th Nov 2012 | Science
31 Answers
Me and the missus was watching Jurassic park last night when it came to the water cup scene and she came up with an interesting point.

You can hear the approaching Tyrannosaurus Rex's footsteps which seem to take roughly six seconds per foot stamping on the ground. When the Tyrannosaurus Rex finally makes his debut on the screen he's roughly 10 metres tall.

If his footsteps were taking six seconds for him for each foot to travel and hit the ground as he walked this would've meant that the Tyrannosaurus Rex would've been much much larger.

How big should he have been if we were going by his stride?

She does my nut in most of the time but god i love that woman.


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Naw, it is actually hopping, like a... uhm..... one of my way back ancestors. It is not generally known that kangaroos evolved from T.rex. The movie makers have it all wrong, except the sound in this case. ☺
It was being supported by a flight of Quetzalcoatlus,seen below

as they had the wingspan to support the payload of a fully laden Tyrannosaurus Rex
how about the at-at's in the empire strikes back?
if you google........velocity dynosaur

then you will get this:


which is kinda what I was thinking of
But it totally depends on what speed he was doing. He could have been sneaking up or power walking.
What if he'd been banging on a big bass drum to give the ILLUSION of size? Obviously he must have dumped it at some point...
That must be what he did with the skin of that goat, CL, quickly fashioned a drum with which to confound Captaincrunch's wife...:o)
Now I am reading a thread in which a T Rex is having a dump ...

< dave wanders off in search of his sanity and a life ... >
If I walk much slower than usual......will I be taller than Chuck?
Only if you stand in a worm-hole ...
It is a little known fact that Tyrannosaurus Rex, because of it's bulk was very unstable when walking therefore it always had a jungle sapling to help it move about. The sound that was heard & of course the tremors caused in the water was obviously :- 1 step then the sapling hitting the ground so therefore the calculations must take into account the above.


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She might be crazy 99% of the time but she's not just a pretty face for the other 1% it seems

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