We bought a new kettle yesterday, but since installation the socket ring main keeps blowing. I notice that the redundant kettle is 2.2kw whilst the new one is 3kw. Would this make a difference? A couple of further comments - when the mains tripped out, the tumble dryer and microwave were also on, as well as tv, sky box, freezer in the garage etc. I swapped the new kettle for the old, and have had no further problems. The new kettle is going back to the supplier tomorrow for a refund in case it's faulty, and we will buy a replacement approx the same power. Any ideas folks? Could it even be a wiring fault in the mains?
Not a specialist but if you overload the ring it will trip. Have you tried running the kettle with other things unplugged? We had the same trouble when we put extra lights in the garage and needed to uprate the fuse.
I don't believe one should be able to overload a ring using normal appliances like that. Sounds as if there is a fault somewhere, probably with your new kettle. Is it the circuit breaker or the RCD that goes ?
You shouldn't have been putting "extra lights in the garage" and then finding out the fuse wasn't the correct size so then you just "uprate" the fuse.
A fuse is, by design, meant to be the weak point, simply uprating a fuse can transfer the weak point to somewhere that doesn't blow so gracefully and with no harm.
It could be many things, including mains wiring with too light rating. If your house is older than 25 years it may be that this needs be replaced. We now have a lot more electrical appliances.
Take the above advice and DO NOT increase the rating of the fuses unless this has been checked by a qualified person.
What is it that blows? - an RCD at the consumer unit or the MCB breaker (a modern day fuse) specific to the ring main containing the kettle.
If the RCD, there is an earth leakage fault with the kettle, and you should return it.
If the MCB / fuse, you are overloading the main ring. Try Woofgang's advice - running the kettle with other things unplugged.