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American Elections...

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BlueToffee | 07:51 Tue 06th Nov 2012 | ChatterBank
15 Answers
Just hope the Americans have the sense to re-elect President Obama today.


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I second that.
For more years with Obama in the White House.
I hope he gets in.
well close to 50% of the Americans disagree with you, BT.

The first result is in apparently, a small village in New Hampshire has declared already. Ten votes and, surprise, surprise, five each to the main two candidates.

Is this election going to be this close.
I think he will get back in but with a narrow majority.
The lawyers are already sitting there, primed. This one could, could drag out for weeks, already issues I see in Florida over early voters being turned away at the weekend.
I seem to remember an American election in the 90s? where the candidates were neck and neck..... didn't they have to have another vote?
I'm looking forward to not having my dinner! When Romney was long odds against winning, I put a small bet on which would win me enough, such were the odds, to pay for an expensive dinner in a de luxe restaurant. It would be some consolation for a Romney win. (If Clanad is reading this: I am a Conservative in Britain, so far from American conservatives !)

Looks like Obama will squeak home. But how the Americans tolerate a system whereby they elect a President to achieve things and then elect a Congress to stop him doing any of them, is a mystery. Presumably, because one or both houses have often been of the opposite party to the President's, in bygone days compromise was possible and readily achieved.
Checks and balances have always seemed to me to be a recipe for inertia.
One thing that's very noticeable is the way Obama's hair has 'greyed up' since he became president .

It reminds me of that Football manager in the world cup some years ago , whose hair went from being black to grey , over the course of the tournamant .

Does anyone remember him and what was his name ?
This is an American election we're talking about. They just count and re-count it until the right man wins!
Come on Obama ......
Bet Iran is hoping Obama will win.
If Romney wins , the Americans will be bombing Iran by the end of next year.
Agreed, but some stange people out there
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