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Freezing bread pudding

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rockyracoon | 14:03 Thu 22nd Nov 2012 | Food & Drink
17 Answers
I've just made a couple of puddings and will probably only eat one, do you reckon the other one will freeze OK?



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what's in it?
You could send it to me - with custard or maybe ice cream or real cream or all three.
It should be fine Rocky. xx
They freeze brilliantly, have done it loads of times
As long as its wrapped well it should freeze just fine.
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Thanks all. I made shaneystar's version from a thread a while ago, tweaked it a bit, but it's delicious, reminds me of the one's my mum used to make.
You can eat them for a few days after you've made them, can't you?
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Probably talie but I'll probably be sick of it by then.
Pop some to me if you like. ! I just love bread pudding. yum! x
Lol ...I'm glad you enjoyed it rocky ..It doesn't last long round here .
My brother can smell it cooking from round the road :)
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Shaney, so simple and so nice. It's definitely on the menu in chez racoon again soon.
I would recommend you put it in bags with a few slices in each. Make sure you seal them well and defrost in fridge, or it can go a bit dry.
Rocky...any chance of you posting the recipe here, so I can have a go at making it ?

My Mum used to make really delicious Bread Pudding. Of course, the main reason she made it was because it was cheap. But hot, with custard on, is hard to beat.

Sometimes, when I am in a posh restaurant, (which isn't very often), I would rather have some Bread Pudding, then all those expensive desserts in those rotating glass cabinets.

Don't even start me off on Apple Pie, Rhubarb Crumble, Jam Roly Poly,etc !
Mikey - only one pudding Treacle Tart (hot) and icecream . yummmmm may be right there !

Oh God, if it wasn't for diabetes, I think I could live on puddings !
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Here mikey

I have to admit to doubling up the sugar and fruit though as that's how I like it. I took some round for my dad last night, he thought I bought it from the bakers.

Good luck, it's wonderful.
Thanks Rocky...Bread and Butter Pudding is also on my list of legendary desserts !

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