Other Sports2 mins ago
Please remind me
what it is you can easily take out of a car engine to avoid the car being stolen
The modern day equivalent of removing the rotor arm might be removing a fuse from the fuel pump or ignition circuit. Thus, in the event of someone getting hold of your ignition key they would still not be able to start the vehicle.
12:35 Sat 24th Nov 2012
Removing the rotor arm (in cars that still have them) is not a good idea. It stresses the insulation in the coil and may lead to premature failure if the engine is cranked.
A locked clamp that fits between the brake pedal and the steeling wheel or across the steering wheel is pretty effective. Decent ones have advanced locks that can't easily be picked. The key has small indentations in the flat side rather than along the edge.
Mr Bean removed the steering wheel in his Mini. ;)
A locked clamp that fits between the brake pedal and the steeling wheel or across the steering wheel is pretty effective. Decent ones have advanced locks that can't easily be picked. The key has small indentations in the flat side rather than along the edge.
Mr Bean removed the steering wheel in his Mini. ;)
How about keeping this chappy in the car ?
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