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I hope and pray that reality tv is coming to an end.......

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dotty. | 22:07 Sat 24th Nov 2012 | ChatterBank
49 Answers
Foyles War is coming back, we need good solid programmes that don't give ex-soap stars a short term career boost, we need solid stories, proper acting and some dishy blokes to look at that aren't dancing, skating, cooking or trying to sing. please, enough is enough.....


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I got bored of reality TV after the first showing (big brother sade... thing) but do get gripped with them on/off.. I'm liking the Jungle at the moment it has to be said... that Laura bird... worth watching.

to win it... com'on Ashley... dont cha' think!

OP, soaps confuse me ... as if! its disney for adults.
I think ChatterBank is like Reality TV!! You just can't help tuning in to see who's doing or saying what. Desktop is like a celeb!
we all like Desktop ;-)
speak for yourself Arksided -desktop is the 'Rylan' of AB lol!
pinch of salt needed agreed... hows He/she doin' everything sorted but not OK yet? I've not being on for a while so missed a few.
football takes toooo long on telly, last week a prog started at 7.30 and finished at 10 then a break into reality for the news, then back to football to talk about that game for an hour. Waffle waffle yawn , a ninety minute game with a break to suck oranges or re arrange make up equals 13/4 hours. What a waste of time, give me Foyles war or similar good drama's.
^ available at all good bookist from December...
Colin went !! not Eric someone told me porkies !!!
passion, drama... adreenaline taking the p!ss they're is no better than watching football... erm... ITS real however false they might be with channel no.7

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