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Where do you draw the line?

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Eve | 21:01 Tue 27th Nov 2012 | ChatterBank
16 Answers
Was just having a look on Ebay and found someone selling a used nosestud!

Is it just me or would you buy something like that that has been used?


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Well there was the used coffin!

No matter how carefully you sterilised it, it's still not right.
I can think of worse studs to buy second hand ;)
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Used coffin??? I'm wondering if I'm better off not knowing...
^2nd hand Prince Albert, anyone?
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That's a better kind of stud at least haha!

2sp, OMG noooooooooooooooooo!
well in our local charity shop they sell second hand bras and knickers -sorry but if I couldn't afford new I'd rather go knicker less and swing in the wind ;-(
I avoided being as specific as 2sp ...
I have no tact, ttfn...
Swing what in the wind?

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I've been more and more surprised by some of the things in one of my local charity shops, there was a Candy Gstring and something similar in a while back then the other day it seemed someone had been donating a fair amount of sex books!
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Oh oh oh, I was thinking stud as in male stud, as in actual man stud not a in a bit of a man stud, if that makes sense???...shudder... (not at the thought of one, just a second hand one!).
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I've got that blowing in the wind song in my head now!
Liucky you, Jenna

I can hear water lapping :(
Erg, no I wouldn't, shops don't take back earrings.....

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Where do you draw the line?

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