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A suitable punishment

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2sp_ | 21:21 Tue 27th Nov 2012 | ChatterBank
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Mr P has gone and organised a work thing for the day of my birthday... We had previously had a discussion about how I would like him to keep the day clear so we could do something - everyone forgets my birthday usually so I wanted to do something nice.

Anyway, he seemed to totally forget this conversation and agreed to do something worky on that day - he could have easily done it on the Sunday instead. It can't be changed now as there are too many other folk involved.

So, my question is, what would be a suitable punishment for him?


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lol 2sp - welcome to my world. Punishment is futile because being a man he'll forget why he is being punished. I would do something YOU really want to do.

Now that's the adult response.

The bitch in me says put him on rations for the next 10 years, put itching powder in his pants, put viagra and laxatives in his morning coffee (so he won't know whether he is...
21:37 Tue 27th Nov 2012
Go do something nice on your own. Let him take the kids for the day. You really do not sound as if you want to punish him at all. You discussed it. He ignored it. Not thoughtless, selfish and uncaring.
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lol @ BM!

He knows he's going to be punished, I've told him! He does know I was genuinely upset, but it's done now. I'll get over it, but we're having a bit of a joke about it.

I know he'll make it up to me somehow.
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Daisy, I honestly don't think he ignored me, more like he forgot. He has a shocking memory and I'm sure when he was asked about the Saturday he didn't connect it to being the 29th and my birthday.

You would think I'd be used to it by now!
nice bottom or not ! it was a bit thoughtless of him, especially as your children are so young, id say you deserved a treat on your birthday :(
I always find punishment can be fun. Enjoy! :-) x
you don't think gness has maimed all those men by being kind do you?
a girlish giggle to put them at their ease and then - bam they are maimed before they know it.
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I'm glad to report that to make it up to me Mr P is taking Boxing Day off work. He usually only manages Christmas Day, so I'm quite pleased.

And he has to make me cups of tea whenever I ask until the end of the year. It's almost worth setting my alarm for 3am...

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