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TWR | 20:29 Thu 29th Nov 2012 | ChatterBank
12 Answers
How do you monitor every single post on here? Meaning, if some one put a post thats against the rules its deleted As soon as.


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As I understand it the Ed is supported by team of moderators.
He's like Santa Claus - covers the whole world in a night
Gnomnipresent is our Ed ...
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Bloody hell Eccles there must be hundreds.
There are software packages that look for certain words or phrases and alert the moderators that there may be a problem. These alerts can either be corrected by the mod-robot "Swearing for instance) or judged by real gnomes.
In addition any member can use the 'report' button. I assume that if several people report a post the Ed is alerted and takes a look
Ed doesn't sleep, bathes in the blood of virgins and dances naked at the full moon.

His powers are boundless.
2sp reported for fawning. lol
I just want a brown nose badge, mamy.
-- answer removed --
Of course the Ed doesn't read every post.

He relies on either normal users reporting posts against the rules, or one of the mods to see it and deal with it (I think there are about 20 or so mods)
^ Chuck counts as 5.

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