Wildwood: An American comedian, Reginald D Hunter, who lives here, reports that one thing he couldn't get used to was the British male's habit of introducing a friend by saying, for example "This is Jim, he's a stupid [C word]". Now, try going up to Jim and saying "You stupid [C word]" and think what response you'd get!
Reginald D Hunter is black, from the deep South. Equally he says that the N word is not taboo in his family. Far from it; it's used all the time, but "white folks" get very touchy about it. And with reason; when it's used by them it I not usually meant to be friendly or accommodating nor is it taken that way by the subject of it.
Tottenham FC is a soccer club with long-established Jewish connections. Its fans, Jews and non-Jews, have taken to calling themselves by what some Jews delicately call "the Y word". But other clubs have told their fans that while it may be used by Tottenham fans, it is not appropriate for other fans to use it, as it is offensive and anti-Semitic. Indeed, recently, the team has been subjected to anti-Semitic abuse which included it. Context and intent is everything.