I was run over by a mobility scooter today (don't laugh it flippin hurt). It was a busy lunchtime and the driver was going way too fast. She drove right into the back of me and when I jumped out of the way clutching my injured ankle, she whizzed off through the gap in the people. Then I saw her jerk it to a halt and next thing she was banging it into a door. I lost her in the end as she'd picked up speed again and was last seen heading off into the shopping mall.
Now cyclists are not allowed on pavements but these motorised things are allowed anywhere and are often in the hands of people who have absolutely no ability to control them or any willingness to consider the circumstances.
Whats to be done, which campaign can i support to get them regulated?
They are already regulated , there are two types, the ones made for pavement use are limited to 3 mph , the higher speed ones that can do 8 mph are only supposed to be used on the road not a footpath or pavement. It is illegal to drive a 'road' scooter on the pavement but no one bothers to check . What makes you think a new rule would make any difference.? It is not a new...
I have to agree that bike riders are a bigger menace, many just refuse to use the road and always ride on the pavement. They go through red lights and the wrong way down one way streets usually without lights as well.