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Odd Ebay situation

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mrs_overall | 19:45 Sun 02nd Dec 2012 | ChatterBank
25 Answers
I sold an item last weekend, sent the invoice and the buyer paid immediately. I then noticed that the name and address on the Ebay account were totally different to the name and address on the Paypal account. Not wanting to send it to the wrong address, I have now emailed the buyer 3 times asking for clarification but had no reply. Any suggestions?


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There is a way of asking eBay for the customers details, including phone number so maybe you could try that and ring them. Not sure how you go about it but I am sure the ebay help page might tell you.
Tony a question of mine, go seek
Cry of disbelief!
Now post the photo.......
MrsO, if it's been more than a week since you sold the item, I would open a dispute on eBay saying that you can't get hold of the buyer to confirm the mailing address. I often send to another address but the buyer always lets me know if it's to be to a different address.

Do the addresses on the PayPal and eBay accounts both say "confirmed"? I wouldn't mail anyway to an unconfirmed address, without an email to back it up.
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shoota, I'll dig out a photo sometime this week and post it for you

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