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TWR | 16:44 Sun 02nd Dec 2012 | ChatterBank
16 Answers
White stuff around your area?


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You after some coke then?
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Thats quick.
It's not to be sniffed at.............
Lots of frost TWR, none of the nasty S word yet .
Yes we had a light covering of snow on the east coast this morning .All gone now .
Yep a good covering here in Norfolk. I've been out and salted the paths. It was sunny this morning but freezing up again now.
Frost this morning, but no snow.
snow forecast for overnight here, west Scotland :-(
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N.W.Lancs, very cold, freezing but no S.
It's been lovely here today Maidup but bloomin' cold !
You must have had a tad more snow than us then .
I was quite surprised when I looked out this morning .
Bit of residual frost and Ice in Stockton-on-Tees. Darlington (About 11 miles away) got some.
I'm about 15 miles inland Shaney and on the marshes. Its been a beautifully sunny day but it didn't shift it.

We didn't go out but it could easily be clear a mile up the road!
the temperature was 1c here last night.
Maybe later. Not yet please. I haven't got any fluffy bootees to wear.

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