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Would you grass on your family for £1,000?

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mrs_overall | 12:25 Tue 04th Dec 2012 | ChatterBank
32 Answers
I heard on the radio that two police forces are encouraging people to report their family and friends who drink drive. There is a Crimestoppers reward of £1,000 for each person who is convicted.
Would you?


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I wouldn't report a family member, although I would do all I could to prevent them from driving. However, I would report non family members in a heartbeat.
Hi Mrs O, if the person drink driving was a prolific offender, I would inform on them. Not for the money , for safety. If it was either a stranger or family member, I would do my level best to withhold car keys. Or indeed car !!! I would be happy to face charges for the theft of a set of keys...
I heard on the radio that two police forces are encouraging people to report their family and friends who drink drive.

Just another load of botox to make it look like they are doing something.
Some years ago I made a part time job of reporting a persistent offender. Followed him from pub to pub, kept the police informed on how many pints he was sinking ...what happened?

flump all...............these radio and television campaigns are just designed to put people off drinking and driving without the police lifting a finger.
If they were really drunk and wouldn't hand over their keys, then yes, in a heartbeat, not for the money though.
Very very true, mick.
Yes I would report them and not because of the money. I've already reported someone for drinking and driving.
For family or close friends, no I wouldn't tell police, but do as much as possible to stop them driving. Friends and acquaintances, yes, I would grass up - without the incentive.
"Ooo no, I'd never report a family member"

Hope you can live with yourself if that drunk driver in your family ever killed someone whilst drunk at the wheel of a car
No incentive needed, but I would do as much as I can to stop them from driving - and have done so in the past. Would be a desperate failure if I had to hit those phone keys.....
Most definitely !
11th commandment in our house is "Thou shall not grass", not for anything never, mind your own business & walk away.

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