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Deal or no Deal

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bluesfan | 17:45 Tue 04th Dec 2012 | Film, Media & TV
8 Answers
As a regular viewer of Deal or no Deal, am I the only one who thinks it's becoming increasingly self-indulgent & unwatchable? We don't need to see a repeat of what happened yesterday, we don't need distractions like ghost hunting, just get on with the game. If they're having to pad the show out to fill the hour, why not just cut it to 45 minutes instead.


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Hi bluesfan,

Used to watch the odd one or two shows years ago when it first its just a tired boring repetitive mess........and Noel Edmonds milking it as if he gets a jolly if they dont win any big amount......bring back that was show....baffled me as to how Ted R gave out the clues to maybe a sun lounger or a mega toaster lol
Once they have opened the Pivotal box .....I turn it off.
To keep a show drawing sufficient audience it need novelty and variety. Or it becomes boring and taken off. That's why there are distractions. To stop it being a "been there seen that" experience.
I agree Bluesfan, it used to be 45 mins so dont know why they lengthen it only to pad it out.

I end up doing other stuff like preping dinner whilst watching the important bits.
Id say like so many other shows its no longer but the advert time will have increased.Had to stop watching it for health reasons ...guess
I think the American version is much better as the compere, Howie Mandel, does not make it all about him (unlike Noel Edmonds)
I always record it and start watching half an hour in when a lot of the boxes have gone, it's less boring that way !
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I understand the need to keep the show fresh, but too much of it seems to be for the amusement of the contestants, rather than the audience. It used to be 45 minutes including adverts, but it's now 45 minutes excluding the adverts. Sky+ definitely seems the best way to watch, skipping the bits that are irrelevant to the game.

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