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It's pitch black. It's minus 2 outside. Obviously it's time for...

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Mosaic | 20:01 Wed 05th Dec 2012 | ChatterBank
19 Answers
...the solar panel cold call of the day.
Ultra Energy, probably the most stupid sales people in the world.


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First ask them how long it will take before the cost of the panels and installation is repaid by the savings.
Then ask how long, on average, before major parts of the system need replacement.
I bet the answer to the first question is three times as long as the answer to the second. For this reason you may have extreme difficulty getting the caller to give precise and truthful answers.
Never mind mosaic, ask them if they work in moonlight....
It's seems to be time for my OH to switch off the heating so he can fiddle with a radiator valve he's broken. Brrr or Grrrr - take your pick.
cold feet on his back in bed tonight then, prudie :-)
That's just for starters boxy :-)
Putting the cat out.
LOL, owd the cat will be impersonating Garfield at the window.
I am a cat lover really tony.
Just joshing ya owd.
Owd, are you having a good day?
Tony I hate cats.
DOH, now he's joshed me.
Oh, must go and change
In my own time sibs.
Me and tony could help.
LOL, hope your Mrs doesn't see this owd.
Mrs owd will be pleased so there
Apologies Mosaic, got carried away
Hi mrs owd, trying to upset him now xx

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It's pitch black. It's minus 2 outside. Obviously it's time for...

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