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Psybbo | 21:41 Wed 05th Dec 2012 | ChatterBank
19 Answers
Are you employed again?


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He's an estate manager isn't he?
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Shoota!, I think he's a brilliant maths teacher
Hello again, sibton. Back as Emmylou I see.
Thanks for asking. I'm still doing supply work but some schools seem to want me back and I'm getting 4 days a week on average. Overall it's working out pretty well - it doesn't pay as well as a permanent role but it's good to be able to do a day's work then leave at 3:30 without having to do lots of marking, planning, detentions, after schools classes etc.
2nd definition - number 8.....
Is the avatar real sibs
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owd, of course, mind you it takes a lot longer these days, I hope mrs owd liked Frankel

Well done factor
Woohoo, Debbie's back!
She thought it was andy crooks hack daisy.
I'm with factor - Woohoo!
Perhaps you should rephrase that, shoota.
Woohoo - I'm with Factor!?
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A. Crook still worries me owd but I await a good reliable tip from you
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Off to bed, good night lovely people a
Good night, sibton. (Shoota's not really here with me.)
Hi Factor

I'm not surprised they want you back to teach. You must be a really patient teacher - how you have so assiduously tried to answer Desktop's frustrating queries (see she's been suspended) has astounded me!!
Thanks, yogasun. I'm just about to set off for work now. I'm not as patient as I might appear- sometimes I just don't know how to deal with some of the teenagers when they simply refuse to pick up a pen, put down their phone or stop talking and listen to me; or when they wander round the room annoying other students, throw their books/equipment on the floor or out of the window...
But I'm sure today will be a good day.

I don't know whether desktop will be back but I was getting frustrated there too and I think she had fallen out with me as she didn't seem to be acknowledging my help/queries any more.
Have a good day Factor, I couldn't teach teenagers. I went to an all girls grammar school. We had to stand when a teacher came into the room, how things have changed - however, despite not going to university (something I regret now) I am very grateful for the education I had.
Beyond me how teachers cope these days.

I spent years running training courses for (adult) staff - mostly they were polite, showed interest (or at least were polite enough to feign it) and a good time was had by all.

But you could pretty much guarantee that any (rare) problems would come from recent school leavers, who hadn't adapted to the different conduct expected when you are being paid to be somewhere.

Which sounds like I'm tarring all young people with the same brush - I'm not, the absolute best students I ever had were also 18/19/20 years old and with a bright intelligence that shone through.

Good luck today Factor

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