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Good morning early birds!

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waterboatman | 06:16 Thu 06th Dec 2012 | ChatterBank
130 Answers
Thursday. Heavy frost this morning. Don't think I'm going out for a while!

My lunch guests went home just after 2.30 this morning. what a lunch! :o}

Have a happy day everyone.


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back after 2 pots of tea and toasted crumpets for it is lighter I can see the heavy frost...wee flurry of snow but not much..not worth getting snow shovel out, throw some salt down on step and path..not going out today so will snuggle catch up on reading and attempt to watch a few things on hard drive...want to get some free space for Xmas progs...
Sounds good to me murraymints.
have a good day minty - you do so deserve it. xx
Fred....may even sneak into that spare box of choccies ..emergency xmas gift for the unexpected caller....can always get more!lol x
Thank you Lady..xx
Minty - just remember "a goat is for life ..."

Have a good day

d xx
Good morning all from a really crabby Gness. I will make you some ear muffs wicked imagination is running riot this morning.x
Now,come on murray thats over doing It a little bit lol, but there again I am not a choccy fan,rather have cheese and pickles.
morning all feel a bit sheepish clocking in at this late hour but I actually had a lie in until 8.30am something I have been unable to do for years !feel all the better for it too.Have a good day everyone, will try harder tomorrow.
Good morning dee sa,good on you thats where I would still be (in bed)If I had'nt had to make breakfasts for rest of family going out in this weather this morning.

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Good morning early birds!

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