Macmillan Cancer Quiz. Any prize plus at least three pouns per correct answer received via this site will be doubled and given to the charity. Thanks for your help so far. These are the only remaining questions! ... Q2...Peers in judgement....3,4,3,3,4.......Q4...Consolation of terra firma.....5,6,6,2,3....Q12....Low price punch...,9,3.....(The last one has been answered before as....'A Christmas box' but I con't entirely follow the logic).....Reassurance please or a better alternative! (Oh ye of little faith!)....Thanks again to all helpers. Have a great Christmas (Winter Festival!).
The theme of the quiz is;Everyday expressions' ans an example is 'Impossible possibility......4,5,3' withthe answer 'Pigs night fly,.I hope this acts as a catalyst to your brain box! Thanks for trying,