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motorola v3 razr

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Stevie | 12:45 Thu 22nd Dec 2005 | Technology
4 Answers

Hi Guys & Gals

I have a Motorola V3 Razr phone which was supplied with a USB cable, presumably to connect it to a PC which I did .... the PC said it was updating its hardware which it appeared to be successful doing ...

Anyway, I assume (although it ain't clear from the instruction manual !) that you can download stuff from the PC to the phone but I can't seem to get any icon or option anywhere to download to the phone ....

Can anyone confirm if you are able to download to the phone and, if so, how ???????

Thanks people !




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A lot of the time external devices show up as an extra drive. Try looking in My Computer and checking the "highest" drive letter (most likely "E" or "F"). Then connect the phone - it may appear as the next free letter.

That said, my phone needs a communications program loaded on the computer to ensure that ringtones go to the right area of its memory etc. Did your phone come with such a disc?

Indeed, the Motorola V3 should come with a disc that contains the "mobile PhoneTools" software that allows you to transfer data files between the PC and phone. I've only ever used it once before with my V3, but it works (although I found it fiddly to use and it didn't recognise my phone model the first time I plugged it in, it took a second try). That's what you'll need.
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Hi guys .... thanks for your replies ....

Morbius, can I pick your brains further ....

Once the disc is installed, what do you do to download stuff .... an idiots guide would be appreciated ?!

Thank you


I have a motorola V3 and it is very easy to transfer from PC to Phone and back..
Just install the mobile phone tools on your computer the program ..plug your phone to the computer using the USB cable supplied and the software will take about a minute to install it as a modem and recognize it as a V3 ..after that click on the phone explorer link and yor are up an away ...

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motorola v3 razr

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