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Pernickety Postman

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robert551069 | 13:12 Tue 11th Dec 2012 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
I sent a Christmas cart to a friend in" Barnet" Road but, unfortunately, spelt it "Barnett." The card came back marked "Address incomplete". The postcode was correct and it could easily have been delivered. Grrr


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That is totally out of order -I would complain -I complained once about horrible service I got at a local sub-post office and they actually did something about it and I got a letter back telling me what disciplinary matters they took. It may not have been the Postman but the sorting office -complain!!
I'm sure there was something else missing off the address .

It would not have been returned 'adress incomplete ' just because it was a 't' short
in theory all you need to put is the house number and postcode.
i only send christmas cards lol big envelope for your cart
Or a small cart?

I think there is something missing from this story... there's no way the post office wouldn't deliver the letter if it was only an extra T in the name ?Barnet(t)
Everything stops in this country for 'T'.....
Lucky you put your addy on the envelope.
As stated above, postcode and house number is all that is needed, sounds a rum story.
Don't have that problem round here........our postie can't read. He seems to randomly stuff envelopes in letter boxes and we do the redirecting ourselves. Get to know the neighbours though.
If the Royal Mail can deliver an item adressed to ' the old lady that lives on the hill , with the blue door ' along with the local area - then a missing 't' would not be a problem .

Incidentally the 'Post office' does not deliver letters
I used to live in what was then Wootton Bassett (now Royal Wootton Bassett) and my brother always claimed he could never remember which were double letters so he used to write Woottoonn Baasseett - letters always arrived safely.
How did it find it's way back to you robert?

I often have letters and cards with the road name spelt incorrectly, they all arrive with or without the postcode.
Robert , did you put the house number on ?
It's more fundamental than the postcode or the name because there could be two "Mr. X's" living in Barnett road with the same postcode .

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