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Tony! Don't interrupt them...........
18:05 Tue 11th Dec 2012
Dicky, I propose gness for Best answer, after all she told them not to interrupt us :-)
Hell's Bells - I've seen gness's handbag - you could stun an ox with that ....
Didn't work though Sib. Whatever you were up to you had us lot getting in the way. ;-)
Much to our delight, gness
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Sorry sibbo, although you have made me very happy today with your answer earlier, the enduring image of gness slaloming down an icy slope with a wheelie bin whilst wearing negligables has clouded my judgement.
Well said, dicky
Tony ! don't interrupt them. Doh.
Tony, if it was mine, you'd get best answer for the cyber hug xx
I know, lol.
Thank you Dicky.........x
Dave I have a shopping trolley now. x
One of those on wheels, gness ?.
Oh yes!
Have you got a licence for it gness ?.
Funny guy. ;-)))

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Do you know the answer?

@ Sibton

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