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sherrardk | 21:06 Fri 14th Dec 2012 | ChatterBank
31 Answers
... Most hated kitchen gadget. Mine is the potato ricer - it might make brilliant mash but potato goes everywhere and it is so fiddly to wash.


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oooh, Owd, you devil!

My breadmaker is in the cupboard, lost a paddle and can't find the website to order a replacement. Also, one loaf a day for my lot, greedy bunch.
Snap sherr xx
LOL @ owd.
She would laugh,and cuff my ear.
Owd, methinks you'll need another bottle of Highland Park :-) x
You're getting a cuff on the ear from all of us. xx to mrs owd
Bowmore on order.
Good man owd, you know it makes sense.
Bowmore, haven't had a drop of that in yonks.
Got it all wrong its Glen Moray 10 yo chardonnay.

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