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Tls 954

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ThePost | 10:38 Sat 15th Dec 2012 | Crosswords
7 Answers
Stuck on a few:
13ac The answer seems fairly obvious but what is "one of four" all about?
18dn "He was pursued by a simply divine dog" (8) Is it Tennyson? And why?
21ac "There it was, after this in Bennett's book" (4) I have _ _ ER. Any thoughts?

Thanks in advance


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18d . Not doing this crossword , but could it be this..
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Slaney - brilliant! Thanks a lot.
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And thanks to Slaney I have now got 21ac (OVER).

The 13ac clue is "One of four of Burnett's minor eponymous characters" (10). I have F_U_T_ _ R _ Y and so it must be Fauntleroy but I do not understand the clue references.
Arnold Bennett, OVER THERE.
As for "one of four": four of Burnett's books involve "little" (minor), maybe.
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Many thanks NC4BBQ. All sorted.

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