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A Smile For The Season....who Said Education Was Going To The Dogs....

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Mosaic | 10:32 Sat 15th Dec 2012 | ChatterBank
10 Answers
Go Patchway!


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Very good Mosaic I like it are you in it ?.
Hard to believe, but I think that was actually more irritating than the original!

Looks like they had fun though, so fair play.
Looked like everybody had great fun!
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Tony - you mean you can't recognise me?
So now the pupils and parents know what teachers get up to on those INSET days
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factor -first rule of A-level Media - DO NOT QUESTION the content of the Media Course
Good effort those people...
That's good!
They would go down well at Belle Vue.

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A Smile For The Season....who Said Education Was Going To The Dogs....

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