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ilovemarkb | 00:06 Tue 18th Dec 2012 | Body & Soul
18 Answers
what are "badges "that are in profiles of answerbank members?


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They're supposed to be awarded to members for such things as getting a number of best answers or for taking part in a certain number of posts and things like that but at the moment the system mis totally mucked up
and this is in Body and Soul because?
they're a huge mistake that noone takes seriously and that should be ignored pretty much, unless you are an aber who thinks they are a good idea and you take them seriously and go out of your way to collect them.
craft you've missed the thread from mustang lady in cb about travel money, thought i'd give you the heads up cos she's slipped in under the wire there.
Now then dotty........don't be bitter.
oh and adrein ben is pushing his luck asking a music question in cb too, better point it out before it gets zapped.
pateljake has missed the religion topic too, should i point it out to him or would that come across as bitter too? you better do it, i don;t want to cause any upset.
Just carry on as you are dotty.............
actually i think the policing of cb has been quite poor this last few days and people are just posting what they want where they want with no thought for the Site Rules, it's terrible.
I've got fourteen now, only two or perhaps three as I see there is now one for two years service, valid. I had two, then sixteen, then two again and now fourteen. I've given up on it but check now and then to see if anything has altered. It's just a bit of fun, I think, not intended to be taken seriously.
thanks craft, glad i have your permission.
Still got my 10 years + (December 2011??)
AB is abit like the 60s mass, if you remember being there you weren't really enjoying it.
I think the 10-year badge was meant for AB itself, and what members have got is more like a commemorative sticker than a real badge.

ilovemarkb, these are your badges

you curious kitten, you!
I am personally recommending to the Ed that dotty be awarded the highest possible badge of honour for watching all Topics & trying to keep us all in order, what say you fellow A/Bers ?

ron i wasn't being particularly serious there you know, it was a parody of an early enquiry on one of my own threads lol oddly enough my thread was removed for supposedly the offence of posting in the wrong category, and it was removed late at night when i didn't think we had an evening ed on duty, but of course we must have as mods can only report and not remove.
Naughty dotty . . . .
>but of course we must have as mods can only report and not remove.

Mods can remove posts- Chuck has been open in the past about some of the posts he has removed.

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