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House Alarms.

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missprim | 11:23 Thu 20th Dec 2012 | ChatterBank
6 Answers
Do the police come out if you report someones house alarm going off during the day?


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Probably would if you said there was a burglary happening.
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Problem is, you can't get into his garden unless you are a burglar and you can't see into his house from the street.
for "just" an alarm going off, no, not round here anyway. you would need to be reporting a burglary in process.
Do you think that he is being burgled ?.
Not in my experience. We had one that kept going off until another neighbour shot it.
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Well I phoned the police and they said if they have anyone in the area they would call round but it seemed to stop on it's own eventually.

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House Alarms.

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