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Anyone Else Not On Facebook?

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evedawn | 18:45 Fri 21st Dec 2012 | ChatterBank
70 Answers
I think I am one of a dwindling minority? Not on FB and don't ever want to be!


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I love it and I love hearing about what old friends and family who live far away are up to. It can be as private as you want it to be. As someone said earlier, you can set up an account in your AB name and play about with the settings and see how it works. It's also very easy to deactivate it if you decide it's not for you.
I have Facebook, used it for a few years now, Ive never had a problem with it. FB has many uses, I use it to keep in touch with like minded people around the world and follow the antics of my kids through the pics they always post on there, I only check in once or twice a day and certainly not an addict. Its a great tool, if you are careless then you could get burned.
FB is a fantastic site to keep in touch with family and friends etc, my rule on it is simple, don't put anything on there that you wouldn't shout in front of a pub full of people. It's safe a houses if you use your loaf.
It's what other people put on there that I find intrusive. I'm on Facebook - but I'm not a member.
I agree that some people seem to document every single moment of their lives on FB, but you can always delete people who get on your nerves.
No fear. It causes more trouble than it is worth. I have heard so much of quarrelling going on between people posting on Facebook. People post such intimate details of their lives it is amazing. How can they be so trusting?
Don't see the point. What does it do that texting or email doesn't?

Mind, I didn't think I'd ever have or use: a video recorder, a mobile phone, the internet,texting, and Brylcreem.
You're right Fred - never thought I would ever use a mobile phone or texting but do so quite happily now. More or less forced into it though, when I had to do without a landline for some time while renting property which did not have a telephone. Now in my own home and have a phone but still use the mobile for texting.
Another minority I'm a part of!
Facebook has its uses, the main use being that so many people are on it. I managed to make contact with my step brother that I hadn't seen since I was ten years old. I'm not a lover of talking on the telephone, so it gave me the confidence to go ahead without the fear of rejection. We chatted and sent messages for a while, and found out that we only live 30 miles apart. It was amazing when we all met up. He logs onto facebook nearly every day now, as he hadn't used it for months before finding my message.

Also use it to talk to OH's relative in America, Australia and New Zealand, and to play silly addictive games. It's each to their own, I've tried twitter a few times, but it's not for me.

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