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Good Morning Early Birds!

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waterboatman | 06:24 Sat 22nd Dec 2012 | ChatterBank
54 Answers
It's Saturday. It's blowing an ooligan and er, shall we say, raining hard.

A couple of items to buy so will be away in time to catch the shops as they open and avoid the madness that is bound to happen a little bit later.

Have a happy day everyone.


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And I missed the bin men...grrr...every Saturday the come at about 2pm, but not today!! Looks like I'll have to do a trip to the recycling bank.
Morning All - a day of shopping and then visiting a few relatives around the midlands .

Pray for empty shops and clear motorways please ...

Be good
Morning all, bloody persisting down here.
morning all

a lovely day yesterday...good brekkie, few drinkies in town and home to watch a DVd world didn't end..... now today a trip to harborne for a late lunch and a few beers in the white horse, Oh yes and a few nice things ordered from Marisota..well a girl needs a treat now and then
You and red have a gud un.
Redman sends regards.... have a good one yourself
White Cliffs, persisting down, came back in with the dogs about an hour ago,
we were like three drowned rats, not nice at all :o(
morning all x

up a a more civilised time today. More rain here too
^ up *at*
Thanks rowan, regards to red.
late pop in from me from a wet and windy still home !!!...sooo..catching up on housework today..'fraid it has been very low on my priority list lately...thank goodness for my floor steamer !!!
morning minty, take good care now - try and get some relaxing done x
Hellooooooo minty, glad dads doing alright.
thank you sloopy and Tone...after housie suff is finished..think I'll just check that Baileys is still fresh !!!

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Good Morning Early Birds!

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