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mrs_overall | 16:51 Sat 22nd Dec 2012 | ChatterBank
50 Answers
Mine would be Snow White and the Seven Crafts


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Sqaddy Baba and the 40 Ibuprofens
17:06 Sat 22nd Dec 2012
Are you all tipsy?
not yet sibs, not yet but i'm working on it.
I better get started then!
Saving that for later, sibs.......
Theres only one to suit all AB'ers. Bewitched,Bothered or Bewildered.
and still sober (so far)
We'll boo if we want to
We'll jump up and down
We'll hiss at the Wicked Stepmother
And laugh at her Rowan crown.

We'll be the first to scream
When a cow is sold for sunny's beans
W'll tremble at the MT Giant's voice
When JacktheHat escapes, we will rejoice.

We'll scramble for candies
That Seven Dwarfs led by Sqad throw
We won't push over AB children
It's rather amusing we know.

As AB babes to the woods are banished
And Hopkirk has mysteriously vanished
As a glass slipper is forced on gness's toes
We'll shout 'She's behind you' wherever Alba goes.

We won't give a care
When trolls turn to stare
We'll laugh at Jemisa's gags, they're always the same
We'll be jolly and excited, so very glad I came.

Maybe we'll stay in my seat
If the interval provides a bibblebub treat
A glowing wendilla this year
As previous Pantos made us reckless, we fear.

We won't whistle at Tony the Principle Goat
You told me Santa would take back a sloopy boat
W'll cheer as a LieInKIng so brave
Breaks the curse of a cazz skeletal knave.

When Witches appear I'll roar out a boo
I promise not to swear or turn the air blue
As Ugly Sisters pull up their chests
I'll just giggle and won't be a pest.

We'll journey on an overall carpet somewhere nice
We won't heckle desktop or give her advice
I may weep a boxtops full of tears
As into Smowball's mouth a poisoned apple disappears.

This Pantomime time
We won't commit the crime
Of Jogging down the aisle
Rowan and Redman steps at the same time.

We won't even jump on the stage this year
We've heard of AB Health and Safety fears
We must admit though, We'll miss all the attention
It's far more fun than collecting our Suspensions!
very good DT.xx
Bravo, dt

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