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Age Test

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stewey | 03:55 Sat 22nd Dec 2012 | ChatterBank
24 Answers
Alright, how many of you remember, as a child, writing a note to Santa Claus using pencil and paper, and then, whilst the fire was merrily burning, sending it up the chimney? We just knew that if the note went up, Santa would come down.


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one of the nicest things which happened to my children when they were able to read was each receiving a Christmas Card from Santa. He'd read their letter and thought they were polite and lovely children.

I love their aunty. :-)
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Glad I could stir up some memories from the ashes of old-age:).. Over here the kids mail the letters too. The postal code for Santa is H0H OHO.
oi, less of the old-age, mature please!!

Seasonal greetings to you and yours xx
chimney memories..... my mum decided not to have the chimney sweep [ remember him ?] she would DIY and put an oiled rag up the chimney, it caused havoc and the Fire brigade had to be called my dad was so cross he actually said to her "Hells bells Doris what were you thinking of " that was really strong language for my dad, they didnt speak for about a week.

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