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Ab Carols - Day 8

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DTCwordfan | 09:55 Sun 23rd Dec 2012 | ChatterBank
39 Answers
Nearly there! AB Kings College numbers tomorrow.

Happy Christmas to all in here today.....

Links to past ones, if you are in here for the first time, going backwards from Day 7:

Carol 18

While goatherds watched their NOX by night,
All seated on the ground,
The Alba and Owd came down,
And wine was passed around,
And wine was Jezaèd around.

“Fear not!” said they, for mighty Fred
Had seized their drunken minds.
“Glad News-thread of great joy I bring
To mazie and all mankind
To you and all mankind.

“To you, in Minty’s town, this day
Is made of Scottish pine
A goat shed, that is wide and broad,
And traci shall be the sign,
And this shall be the sign.

“The Evian-Babe you there shall find
To DaisyNonna she displayed,
All meanly wrapped in Nutmeg bands,
Ann, she, in a goat shed laid,
And in a goat shed, she laid.”

Thus spake Mrs Overall and forthwith
Appeared in a Sparkles thong
and ask your gran on something high,
Who thus marigolded their song,
Who thus addressed their song:

“All glory be to Tony on high,
And to his goats be peace;
Milk will henceforth Sloopy flow from her udders to him
Begin and Horsehoes never cease,
Begin and wonders never cease!”

Carol 19

A Lady Alex Rose is blowing,
Sprung from a Hollytree root,
Of ancient losgigs seers’ foreshowing,
Of Zed-bloke promised Beckersjay fruit;
Its fairest Chris-au bud folds to jomifl light
And in the Alexander midnight,
Amid the Sqad-like cold,
An Ibuprofen dose, three hundred grams, unfolds.

The Lady A Rose of which I am singing,
Whereof Vicasso said,
Is from sp-’s root springing,
In Sallabananas and purest Maidup;
For, through our Ed’s great chaptazbru and might,
And in the Ellipsis of midnight,
Amid the Vulcan cold,
The Fibonacci blesse`d cure, the port Lady A bore.

Carol 20

O come, O come, Mi-chelle,
and ransom sloopy’s sails,
that mourns in the Humber here
until the Ab Editor appears.

Rejoice! Rejoice!
Mi-chelle shall come by Virgin Rail).

O come, thou Bright Sparks from on high,
who Snags up all things mightily;
to Detour to us the path of tyrepill show,
and Lumination of their ways to go.


O come, thou Argorstran, free
thine own from R&S's tyranny;
from depths of the Royal Mail thy people save,
and give them victory over 50-Daves.


O come, thou Spudqueen, come and cheer
smash our Sam spuds by thine advent here;
disperse the Food&Drink Barbs of night,
and pastafreak putting chippies to flight.


O come, thou Lisa-Louise, come,
and open wide our Morning AB home;
make the Coldicote toast, coffee and perhaps a Brinjal fry,
and condemn Jan’s silliemillie day to history.


O come, O come, Grasscarp of might,
who to thy Owls on the Scotch Pine's height
to Missnemesis you once gave the Law
and left us all in seekeerz surprise and awe.


O come, Grandma Yiddo with a Hannukah dreidel,
growing Sunflowers, spinning time with ABers idle;
Crossword solvers guiltily fall;
all ABers on thy answers to dennis call.


O come, katburd of nations, bind
the Daily Record hearts of Scottish mankind;
bid thou our Beejay arguments cease,
and be thyself our Corbyloon Queen of Peace.


O come, O come, Mushroom,
and release Marje’s Daily Mail,
that lives in lonely exile here
until Paul90 occasionally appears. Refrain

Rejoice! Rejoice!
Mi-chelle shall come by Virgin Rail.



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Question Author
Well there has always been food associated with charity - for several decades....and just read Dicken's Christmas Carol to realise that they were active in the mid 19thC.

However wealthy society, or not, witness the USA, Switzerland China and Nigeria to name but four at different parts of the richness scale, there are down and outs so it isn't necessarily economic, though I accept it is in part, particularly the numbers being seen this year.

So Food Banks are a necessity I would argue for.....a shame perhaps, but a necessity and better than doing nowt. Your argument I believe is skewed by your political thinking and unemployment numbers, which are now turning, thank God, and the number of new jobs keeps on bouncing upwards, something that the Labour Party do not like. Skewed geographically yes, but growth has to start somewhere and be built on.

So overall, yes, thank goodness we have them and the charity of those who provide at this time of year (and other times).
Question Author
well that was well and truly the wrong thread! Ijiut I am.
ah, did not realise.
i'll go and look now, thanks
DT ..yes but a very nice ijitt !!xx
Mentioned at last - merci DT ....
Question Author
All good things come to those that wait, chapta!
I about wondered what you were on about at the top of the page dt ^^ :o

lovely project here, keep going x
Question Author
just losing it, sloopy - TWR is to blame!

Two for Christmas Day just completed to finish "the book".....
keep dosing that cowd- you'll be fine

looking forward to them
Gracias for the mention, DT, though had ro read the carols through 3 times before I spotted my name. Good work.
Question Author
lol losgigs....have a great Xmas...
I hope your cold is responding to treatment, dt, my favourite psycho. As usual, brilliant but would we expect anything less! I do wish gness' lappy was sorted :-)
Question Author
Ah so that what it is, I was going to give her a call tomorrow.......thought she was pre-occupied with her daughter staying. xx (am I supposed to say boo, or atishoo)
Just had an image of MrsO in a sparkly thong, yellow marigolds, gutting mackerel.
Lovely to come back to now my laptop is functioning.

Wonderful DT. x
Yaay, she's sorted, welcome back gness xxx
Lappy cleaned of crumbs and wine?
Question Author
welcome back to the other World, gness.....xx
Hello...x....seems that vacuuming the laptop is a bad idea. I knew that when the esc. key disappeared. Had to take overstuffed bag apart, wash the key and glue it back on. Now there is no escape. It's firmly stuck.
The choc and other crumbs have been removed and internal gunk banished so I am back in the weird world of AB. x
So glad to see you sorted, owd and the rest of us need you over Xmas. 4 dogs, daughter and bf went home today, back Boxing Day so chaos will resume xx

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