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albaqwerty | 16:14 Mon 24th Dec 2012 | ChatterBank
17 Answers
or scumbags, call them what you will.
Read a letter in a paper last week, a Christmas wreath was stolen from a rave, then an Ab'er posted about similar happenings and this morning Welshyorkie texted me to say the one he had laid at his wife's grave had been nicked.

Different parts of the country, but scum gets everywhere :-(


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I put a miniature Christmas tree on my Nan's grave the other day...I hope it's still there. :-(
beneath contempt alba - sorry to hear that, is yorkie all right?
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blooming furious and upset Sloopy. Understandably so.
I have to really wire the wreath to OH's grave. Bright note.....what comes round etc. and bad things will happen to the scumbuckets.
That is horrid. Someone nicked the wreath off our front door a couple of years ago, but that's nowhere near as bad as grave robbing...
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I always hope the longer that karma takes to arrive at their door is because it's big pile of it :-)

It will eventually reach them in some way alba. I am not a believer, as you know, but my old mum used to say "God pays debts without money" - somehow or other it will rebound on them.
I did hear of someone who got so p!ssed off with a wreath going missing, that they painted the next one with chilli oil ... which gets transferred to the hands of anyone stealing it ... which is a real b*stard next time they rub their eyes, or go for a pee ...

Obviously I couldn't possibly condone such an action ...
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oooh, dave, good idea, not condoning it either but a darned good idea. I'll let him know.

How's you? finished for the holidays?

Starby, I like your mother's way of thinking.
People will steal anything.
It beggers belief what some people will do.
Yes alba, she was a funny old thing but a lot of her old sayings have a grain of truth. With regard to the chilli oil ( which of course I do not advocate - tee-hee, evil laugh) it reminds me of the time when I was working and someone was stealing the dried milk and tea bags out of the office personal supply. I had noticed that washing powder looked exactly like powdered milk so suggested we bait the supplies with it. We mixed up some and lo and behold after that no-one ever pinched the tea supplies again. And serve them right too.
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lol starby. were they foaming at the mouth?
As ummm says, some folk will steal anything. Some are cruel and some daft.
It's the cruel thieves who really get on my goat (sorry Tony)
I can only assume that these people who steal from graves do not realise what anguish they cause. If they did, surely it wouldn't happen? Karma will prevail.
What on earth do they do with them?
Hang them on their own front doors, probably :-(
More than likely sell them to feed there drug habit. Dirty Scoundrals. They are not bothered about the heartache they cause the families.

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