That is a huge subject, plowter, and the subject of many other threads on AB.
There are many country-ites who would advocate that approach to controlling foxes. However given the current MP split and then the urban to rural ratios, it's a waste of time going forward with a vote. What the Minster should be doing though is looking at the wording/conditions around the hunt procedures as that is a nightmare for all concerned be one pro or anti-hunt and for the police - a classic example of very poorly worded drafting when Blair brought the Act forward.
Badgers is another matter completely and that is so wrapped up in itself.....on that they DEFRA need to better understand the means of transfer and infection of TB into cattle - and then from that would vaccination really help reduce the risks and how does one monitor it.......a massive subject to. Putting that Government decision off was the best way out at this time, as long as the scientific and statistical work is done.