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Afternoon Everybody!

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Smowball | 18:30 Sun 23rd Dec 2012 | ChatterBank
25 Answers
Well, the present shopping is all done - just need to wrap some of it. I stupidly decided to go to my local Sainsbury's today to get a few bits - totally mental! People were even parking their cars in the trolley bays lol. Queues at tills were right down the aisles to the back of the shops, but I braved it, though I was sorely tempted to open one of the bottles of wine in my trolley.
Got home and did a full roast - pork,crackling, roast potatoes,yorkshire puddings...... and now Mr Smow is fast asleep with a full tummy lol.

And Im having a cheeky tipple of wine!

What are you all up to then?? xx


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Awww lovely! : )
Smow....did you find any chalk???
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V late answer but yes lol.
I got some alongside a little chalk board.....made me smile!
Question Author
Ha, I nearly had to resort to that idea! Luckily the shop which had the chalkboard managed to find a little separate box of chalk.

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