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Christmas Soup

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ethandron | 17:13 Thu 27th Dec 2012 | Food & Drink
4 Answers
Just soupicated the last of the veg.
Threw in the remains of the gravy, cider stock from gammon, carrot water, all the leftover veg...peas, carrots, a few sprouts, a few parsnips and roasties, a bit of stuffing. Blitzed the whole lot with the hand held whizzer.
OMG...absolutely delish!
Tomorrow will be turkey and leek plait for dinner, and that will see off the last of the turkey.
All we have to do now is eat our way through the chocolate mountain sitting in various boxes throughout the house...


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Well I have just 'bubble-n-squeaked with cold ham and pickles followed by trifle and looking forward to a snooze by the fire. Had a lovely Christmas, hope everyone else did too.
That sounds delish, eth - I know what you mean about the sweety stuff mountain, though, not good news (where did it all come from?!)
Dieting coming up in January it sounds wine here!
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I know boxy, and we didn't buy any of the sweetie stuff. One of our young lady guests made some gorgeous frozen chocolate mousse pots with a box of after eights, one (really nice) way of using them up.
Still have bottles and bottles of wine, will have to try and pace ourselves..
Mrs. Blanc x

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