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alexcoa | 13:36 Thu 25th Oct 2007 | Religion & Spirituality
2 Answers
right first of all... go on youtube and search for Dr Quantum... then answer this.... is God 4D? If so has HE got a God which is 5D and so on...
Science can be fun!


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This is the very fascinating subject scientific and it sometimes is that of this world to understand of reasoning because of the complex But 99 1/2 percent of scientists said that universe had to have a Designer because of it complex of the universe and it organized arrangement at the complex systems . So did the scientists agree that the universe had to have a designer and the complex of it .And other great scientists of knowledge .Then shouldn't we there four believe that there is some higher being or spirit that has designed the universe and in such a way that that we cannot understand for this intelligence is much higher , above humans. So for this is how we call God because of his superiority . designed of us .
There is a flaw in God's design, that He provided us with the faculty of reason. Reason informs us that purposeful, intentional design, as well as reason itself, is an emergent quality, a product of eons of evolutionary development, ergo, God is Himself a creation, a product designed by the only logically available means . . . the human imagination.

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