I'm looking forward to lots in 2013. Going on holiday with my family, hopefully a promotion at work, getting better results with my veg patch than I did in 2012, going to the rugby in Feb, seeing Michael Buble in June and using my vineyard tour/wine tasting gift I got for Christmas!
I am always ashamed of myself when I grumble at my aches and pains and see that there are others who are far worse off than I am - like vodkancoke. I am going to say now that I hope this new year will see lots of improvements, mainly in health for everyone and perhaps in fortune as well, it would be nice to have some good weather for a change too. Here's hoping!!
Hopefully my arthritis meds kicking in and taking effect and being able to be more mobile, in less pain and be able to get myself a bit more back on track and get out and see my friends more and have some fun :) Cutting down on hospital appointments too would be great!
I've love to get away for a few days, hopefully to Spain (never been!) with my friend when she goes out to see her mum who lives there.
Also to be able to spend more time with my nephews if it's easier to get away and not be so knackered to be able to do some overtime and get some more pennies in :)