Our Cat Has Vanished.
Our cat Dusty is 17 (a very good age) & his health has been gradually deteriorating for the past 6 months. Firstly he went blind, which impacted on his mobility, though he was still able to get around. Then he started to spend more & more time in his basket, only venturing out into the garden when he needed to answer a call of nature. For the past three months we have provided him with a litter tray, because he had started to urinate on the kitchen floor. It was obvious that he only had a very limited life span, but he was still eating three bowls of cat food a day up to four days ago! He went out on Xmas day morning & hasn't come inside our house since! He was seen in the garden Boxing day afternoon, but then disappeared again before he could be brought in. He was seen briefly this morning in the garden & then just vanished. I have been out in the garden looking for him 4 times this evening, but there isn't a sign of him. I realised that he was suffering. so I was actually making plans to take him to the vet before he disappeared. I have heard that cats sense when they are about to die & go off to find somewhere to die peacefully. I just wondered if anybody else has had this experience with their cat ?